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Attendance Policy  

School attendance is a critical part of a successful school year. Students should be absent only when absolutely necessary, as much of the classroom activity cannot be made up. The benefit of discussion and participation is lost to those who are absent.

Under district attendance and excuse policy, it is the parent/guardian's responsibility to notify the school of an absence. A student whose absences (excused/unexcused) totals more than 10% or 18 days of the school year and whose absences have affected academic progress may be retained due to the negative effect on the grade and may be cited and reported to the courts (A.R.S. 15-802; A.R.S. 15-803).

What If My Child Is Home Ill?

If your child is ill be sure call our 24 hour attendance line at (602) 449-4301 by 10:00 a.m. the morning of the absence.

The State Department of Education tracks many health problems, so it is important to state specifically why your child is absent. Please indicate the nature of the absence. Illness reasons are list below:

  • Head Lice

  • Pink Eye

  • Chicken Pox

  • Gastro-Intestinal (Stomach upset, flu, diarrhea)

  • Upper Respiratory (Cold, sore throat, bronchitis, congestion, strep throat, etc.)

  • Excused Absence (Symptoms that are not contagious: headache, vacation, personal)

It is mandatory that all absences are called in by a parent or guardian.  The student or an older sibling may not excuse the absence. If your child is absent and we do not hear from the parent, we will try to contact you by phone. If we are not successful, the student will be marked truant. If you need to contact the school nurse, please feel free to call her directly at (602) 449-4303.

Homework, if requested, may be picked up in the school office after 3:15 p.m. Students will be given time to make up work when they return from their absence.


The first bell rings at 8:40 am - classes begin at 8:45 am. A student is tardy if he/she is not in the classroom at 8:45 am and must get a pass from the front office. It is less disruptive to the class if everyone is present when the teacher begins directions and instructions for the day.